Tag: computer repair Portland

  • What does it take to be a good computer tech?

    I have been in the industry for a long time. I have seen great techs and I have seen some really really bad techs. So what does it take to become a good computer tech. You will be surprised by my answer. An analytical mind While having a good memory is helpful, the real key…

  • Total refit of the computer repair shop!

    A Look Back When I first opened MacMason, I expected it to be a solo venture. The idea of needing space for more than one computer tech wasn’t even on my radar. But as fate would have it, the opportunity to acquire Lithgow Tech Services next door came up, and it seemed like the perfect…

  • Mastering Graphics Settings for Optimal Game Performance

    Hey there, fellow gamers! Ever found yourself in the middle of an intense firefight, only to be betrayed by a sudden lag spike? We’ve all been there. Today, we’re diving into the world of graphics settings to help you fine-tune your setup for the best performance. Whether you’re playing the latest AAA titles or indulging…

  • Guide to Building Your Own Gaming Computer

    Hey there, fellow gamers! Whether you’re a seasoned PC enthusiast or just getting started, building your own gaming computer is one of the most rewarding experiences. It’s a chance to tailor every component to your needs, and best of all, you get a machine that can handle the latest titles with ease. Here at Lithgeek,…