I remember the Twitter was a community where all sorts of ideas were shared. The gaming community in particular was extremely welcoming. That all changed in the last few years.

Now Bluesky is here and it’s fantastic.

We will be posting there a lot!

  • I have ethical issues with doing repairs that are not needed! We are about empowering customers not finding excuses to take their money! โ€œHere let me show you how to do thisโ€ is always the better answer!
  • Today is a good day to stay home and play computer games
  • The problem with being an artist and learning how to use a soldering iron is โ€ฆ now and then you are tempted to adjust your grip like a paint brushโ€ฆ Ouch!
  • Working on my custom gaming computer case mod today! The technical part is easy!! Itโ€™s getting the artistic side of the lighting to play nice with the technical aspect is the hard part!
  • Just because tech is old does not make it bad! You just need to have proper expectations on what they can do! Writing long messages on a button flip phone not a proper expectation.

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