Total refit of the computer repair shop!

A Look Back

When I first opened MacMason, I expected it to be a solo venture. The idea of needing space for more than one computer tech wasn’t even on my radar. But as fate would have it, the opportunity to acquire Lithgow Tech Services next door came up, and it seemed like the perfect fit. The plan was simple: I’d handle Macs, Phones, and iPads at MacMason, while Felipe, our new tech, would continue at Lithgow Tech. However, I often found myself at Lithgow Tech more than expected.

Challenges of Expansion

  1. Space Constraints: With an increasing number of techs and insufficient repair bays, we often found ourselves tripping over each other. There simply wasn’t enough room for everyone to work efficiently.
  2. Balancing Retail and Repairs: Keeping an eye on the retail space while managing repairs became a juggling act. Even with door buzzers and cameras, ensuring timely customer service was challenging without dedicated retail staff.
  3. Clutter and Organization: Running a shop means accumulating a lot of “stuff”—from office supplies to old projects. Lithgow Tech, being around for 13 years before we acquired it, had its share of clutter that needed clearing out.
  4. Merging MacMason into Lithgow Tech: Ending our lease at MacMason meant moving everything into an already crowded Lithgow Tech. This included tools, iMacs, monitors, and parts, necessitating a significant reorganization.

The Refit: A Fresh Start

Recognizing the need for change, we decided to overhaul our workspace. Here’s what we’ve accomplished:

  1. Increased Repair Bays: We expanded from 4 to 11 repair spaces, including:
    • 3 Windows hardware repair spaces
    • 2 Windows software repair spaces
    • 2 MacBook and iMac repair spaces
    • 1 iPhone & iPad repair space
    • 1 Android phone repair space
    • 2 MacBook software repair spaces
    Each station is equipped with the necessary tools, with specialized setups for different tasks. This setup allows techs to handle multiple projects simultaneously and keeps software repairs from interfering with hardware work.
  2. Improved Workflow and Customer Service: The new layout allows us to keep an eye on the front door while working in the repair area, enhancing both security and customer service.
  3. Consulting the Team: I made sure to include input from all staff members, ensuring the new setup met everyone’s needs and improved overall workflow.

What’s Next?

With these improvements, we’re more equipped than ever to handle a growing number of repairs efficiently. We’re excited to continue serving Lithgow, Bathurst, Katoomba, and beyond, ensuring every device is fixed promptly and expertly.

Room to make Custom Gaming Computers

Most importantly the new space is giving us room to venture into the custom case mods for gamers. We have been working on some really cool case mod ideas, but in order to make that happen we need to make room