I remember the Twitter was a community where all sorts of ideas were shared. The gaming community in particular was extremely welcoming. That all changed in the last few years.

Now Bluesky is here and it’s fantastic.

We will be posting there a lot!

  • https://lithgowtech.com/2024/09/26/the-batman-custom-gaming-computer/ One of the case mods by our Lead PC Tech! #casemod #gaming #batman #pcgamer
  • https://lithgowtech.com/2024/11/04/how-to-avoid-scams-thursday-21st-november-2024/ I am giving a class on how to avoid scams for seniors. This class we take all the tech out of the conversation so everyone can understand. That and most scams are over 300 years old with a tech twist. #scams #lithgownsw
  • Already been a busy day! Something was making people drop their phones over the weekend. Was I missing a party or something?
  • How often do you back up your computer! Be nice to your computer techs and back up often! It means we don’t have to have that uncomfortable conversation about why all your baby photos are gone because your hardrive died when you poured win on your laptop!
  • lithgowtech.com Still working on the website! But then again if you are doing it correctly a website is never really done! https://lithgowtech.com/



