Category: Cybersecurity

  • Breathe New Life into Old Computers with Linux!

    Reviving Your Trusty Old Machine: The Linux Miracle In the charming locales of Lithgow and its surrounding areas like Katoomba, Leura, Blackheath, and Portland, many of us have an old computer or two gathering dust in the corner. These machines, once the backbone of our daily computing needs, seem to have been relegated to the…

  • Preserve Your Precious Memories: Convert Records to CD

    Convert your records to CD , it’s easy to forget the rich history of music and audio that has come before us. Vinyl records, with their warm and authentic sound, hold a special place in the hearts of many, invoking a sense of nostalgia and a connection to the past. If you’re a computer geek…

  • Our Computer shop hours: Yes we are open on Saturday

    One of the nice things about being the boss of a new shop is that we can make the hours. This however does mean that on days when I would rather be sitting on a beach or bushwalking somewhere in the blue mountains. However, this does mean our computer shop is open on Saturday. Our…

  • Five Reasons Your Computer Is Slow

    Five Reasons Your Computer Is Slow

    Our computers have become indispensable tools for work, entertainment, and communication. However, if you’ve noticed that your once-speedy computer has started to slow down, you’re not alone. Slow computer performance is a common issue that many people encounter. In this blog post, we, at Lithgow Tech Services, will explore five common reasons why your computer…

  • Five Ways to Breathe New Life into Your Old Computer in Lithgow and Katoomba, NSW

    Five Ways to Breathe New Life into Your Old Computer in Lithgow and Katoomba, NSW

    Do you have an old computer gathering dust in your closet or attic? It’s a common scenario for many of us. As technology advances at an astonishing pace, our once-beloved PCs can quickly become outdated and seemingly useless. However, before you consider sending your old computer to the recycling center, you might want to explore…



    Passwords, pins, codes etc are the bain of everyones lives these days. The number of passwords that we have is incredible. We need passwords for almost everything. And if its not a password then we need pin numbers too! They Say: What We Do: What Can We Do Then??? Well there are options out there…