Category: Computer Parts

  • Why You Should Replace Laptop Batteries

    Why You Should Replace Laptop Batteries

    Why Laptop Battery Replacement is Essential In the era of digital mobility, laptops have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, be it for work, education, or entertainment. Brands like HP, Lenovo, Acer, ASUS, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and Leader have constantly innovated to meet our computing needs. However, one critical component that often…

  • Mechanical Keyboards

    Mechanical Keyboards

    As gaming continues to evolve into a more immersive and intensive experience, the importance of having the right equipment cannot be overstated. One such essential gear for gamers is the mechanical keyboard. At Lithgow Tech Services, we understand the unique needs of gamers, and in this blog post, we’ll dive into why a mechanical keyboard…

  • Graphics Cards Blue Mountains, Lithgow, and Bathurst

    Graphics Cards Blue Mountains, Lithgow, and Bathurst

    Understanding the Importance of Upgrading Your Graphics Card In the realm of computer technology, staying updated with the latest hardware is crucial for optimal performance. For gamers, video editors, and graphic designers, one of the most significant components of a computer is the graphics card (GPU). At Lithgow Tech Services, we often get questions about…

  • Understanding the Form Factor of Graphics Cards: A Lithgow Tech Services Guide

    Choosing the Right Graphics Card for Your Computer: Size Matters When it comes to upgrading your computer with a new graphics card, understanding the form factor is crucial. At Lithgow Tech Services, we often encounter clients who have purchased a powerful graphics card only to find it doesn’t fit their computer case. In this blog…

  • AMD vs. Intel Processors: Choosing the Right Brain for Your Computer

    In the computing world, the ongoing rivalry between AMD VS Intel processors is akin to an epic saga. Both brands are renowned for their high-quality CPUs (Central Processing Units), but they cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you’re a gamer, a creative professional, or a small business owner, understanding the differences between AMD and…

  • Computer a little hot? You have dust in your computer

    IF you hear the fans on your computer tower running all the time and you have not ever loaded a game, Then there is a good time you have a problem with the system being filled with dust. Dust in your computer is bad bad bad In the bustling world of technology, where computers are…

  • Need a RAM upgrade?

    In the world of computers, where jargon often overwhelms and technicalities confuse, one component stands out for its profound impact on performance: RAM (Random Access Memory). At Lithgow Tech Services, we understand the significance of this often-overlooked hardware element and aim to demystify its importance, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy. RAM: The Unsung Hero…

  • Lithgow computer sales

    If you are looking of a shop in Lithgow that can sell you a quality computer we have a great answer for you …… us 🙂 Because we are a smaller company we are not as motivated by making a sale “Today” we are more interested in being your computer store 20 years from now.…

  • Solid State drives are the best upgrade for an old computer

    We all have old computers, sometimes buying a new computer all the time is not the best idea. This is when upgrades come in. But what is the best hardware upgrade? We think tat solid state drives are the best upgrade for your money. Here is why Solid state drives have no moving parts. Your…

  • Computer repairs katoomba

    Are you dreaming of immersing yourself in the gaming world this holiday season? Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned player, having the right gaming setup can significantly enhance your experience. At Lithgow Tech Services, we’re here to make that dream a reality by offering custom-built gaming computers tailored to your needs. We even do…