Category: Windows 10

  • Windows 10 computer maintenance

    At Lithgow Tech Services, we understand the importance of keeping your Windows 10 system running smoothly and efficiently. Regular Windows 10 computer maintenance not only enhances performance but also extends the lifespan of your device. In this blog post, we’ll share essential tips to help you maintain your Windows 10 computer. 1. Update Regularly Windows…

  • The Windows Wizard of Lithgow Tech Services

    In the realm of computer repair, certain individuals stand out with their exceptional skills and dedication. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to one such individual from Lithgow Tech Services – “The Windows Wizard.” A nickname earned not by chance, but through his remarkable expertise in repairing Windows computers. A Wizard in the World of…

  • Understanding the Heart of Gaming PCs: Power Supply

    Understanding the Heart of Gaming PCs: Power Supply

    When it comes to building or upgrading a gaming PC, one component that often gets overshadowed is the power supply unit (PSU). However, for gaming enthusiasts and professionals at Lithgow Tech Services, the PSU is known as the heart of a gaming computer. Here’s why this unsung hero deserves more attention and how to choose…

  • Solid State drives are the best upgrade for an old computer

    We all have old computers, sometimes buying a new computer all the time is not the best idea. This is when upgrades come in. But what is the best hardware upgrade? We think tat solid state drives are the best upgrade for your money. Here is why Solid state drives have no moving parts. Your…